Monday, March 5, 2012

Reunited and it feels so good

     So, this is my first posting in about two years, and I'm amazed that I was able to still remember my username and password. You know what? I lied, of course I remembered my password, I use the same password for everything. Anyway, lets catch up. I'm now 22, going on 23, reviving my dreams of being the first person in my family to graduate college, and hopefully I succeed this time.
     Also, I've been with my girlfriend Nicole for almost a year now, and although we've had our ups and downs, she still makes me feel like the person I want to be. She really is amazing in every way. Stunning both physically and mentally. I know it sounds cheezy, but I feel like she's the one.
     I am also still your run of the mill frat guy who will sip my drink slowly and crack jokes on you. At the same time, most of my frat brothers won't understand my jokes, because, lets face it, I'm white and they're black and we're from different backgrounds, but I still love them to death (no homo). I'm still quiet or "shy" as most people would put it, but I'm starting to come out of my safety zone, slowly but surely.
     A big reason for me coming out of my shell would be my job. I've successfully climbed the ranks of Brooklyn Plumbing Supply. I started out as a "shlep" as my co-workers would put it, running to grab shit, cutting pipes, loading and unloading the truck, and other assorted odds and ends, but now I am a key cog in this well oiled machine with a desk and a computer. I love my job and hope to continue growing and making a career out of it.
     I honestly don't know what else to say, so I'm going to clock out, and hopefully I actually start using this resource more and continue venting out to all of you about the oddities and adventures of my daily experiences.